Each Project designed by our office is overseen by Jeffrey Wood. Depending on the scope of work,
one or more individuals may be assisting or acting as the Project Manager. Each project consists
of a series of five phases, which tend to overlap and run together. Still, it is worthwhile to
view the project as a succession of stages.
PHASE ONE: SCHEMATIC DESIGN: This phase generally begins with a meeting to discuss the client's specific
program requirements, budget and general considerations. Before any meaningful design solutions can be
developed, an accurate documentation of existing conditions must be made. In the case of a remodel (with an
existing house) this will involve a site visit of several hours, or more, depending on the size and complexity
of the subject property. These measurements will then be used to create a set of 'as-built' drawings, which
will serve as a basis for the new design. Initially, one or more schemes which take into account the
client's need are prepared and presented.
PHASE TWO: DESIGN DEVELOPMENT: The design development stage of the project consists of further refinement
of the selected scheme from the schematic stage of the process. During this phase, building systems will be
selected, materials and colors will be discussed, specific products will be selected and the interior and
exterior of the building will be fully developed.
PHASE THREE: CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS: This phase consists of the preparation of the construction documents,
consisting typically of the working drawings and a set of written specifications from which the project will be
bid and built.
PHASE FOUR: BIDDING/DETERMINING THE BUILDER: Services in this phase consist of assisting in the selection of
contractors to bid the job, conducting site visits with the qualified bidders, fielding all questions that
come up during the bid process, issuing, as necessary, clarifications and addendum to the bid documents.
PHASE FIVE: CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION: This phase consists of periodic visits to the site, telephone
communication with the contractor and client in order to assure timely construction progress. The architect
acts on behalf of the owner to insure that the final product matches that which has been described in the
drawings and specifications.
The total architectural fee for all phases of the work usually amounts to roughly 10-15% of the cost of
construction in the case of a remodel/addition or tenant improvement, or 7-10% of the cost when new
construction is contemplated. This percentage may vary depending on a number of factors, among which
are the complexity of the project, the level of detail and materials used and the size of the project
(small projects tend to have fees of a higher percentage).
It is our hope that this description of our services begins to answer some of your questions regarding the
Architectural Process. However, you will no doubt harbor some additional questions; please do not hesitate
to contact our office.
We are happy you have considered our office to assist you in your project. Construction, though challenging,
should be a labor of love. Your insights, dreams and wishes are the things that fill a project with life,
and we encourage you to share them with us. The final product will be very much a synthesis of efforts put
forth by both of us.